Friday, May 1, 2015

SENIORS: Mind and Body Cease Functioning, When Romance Ceases

For many individuals, happiness closely connects to companionship. Scientific research demonstrates that humans are social creatures who need other humans, often the opposite sex. Such attractions allow individuals to engage in meaningful relationships that create hues of happiness. Interestingly, the brain is the first organ that detects such needs, culminating into human desire, sometimes even into stronger human cravings. This becomes apparent, through the functions of internal systems that create emotional, physiological, and psychological responsiveness to collaborative body and mind awareness. Evidence of this recognition occurs in male erection or female secretions excited by erotic thoughts, touch, smell, taste, hearing, or seeing. The emotional pathway evoked by neurotransmitters and hormones trigger desire for erotic pleasure, which often seeks ways to obtain such gratification, motivating behaviors that seem to be mysteriously automatic.
Abraham Harold Maslow (1908 - 1970) an American psychologist who studied human needs, attempted to explain some of the physical demands of human survival, which not only include air, water, and food, but also sustaining ample instinctual sexual intensity, having ability to participate in "sexual competition". Another research study concluded that libido or sexual drive is an inherently necessity for human survival and mental stability. Likewise, when ability to express erotic libido discontinues, some psychologists believe that mental or emotional dysfunctions may follow. The brain, the most central human organ, responds to such physical sensations by producing happy hormones that extend pleasure of living.
This happens, principally because of powerful hormones and neurotransmitters that act upon specialized areas of the brain. The most important happy hormones are those shown below:
- Dopamine intensely links with reward activity in deep brain causing feeling of contentment and happiness.
- Serotonin, another neurotransmitter that helps regulate human behaviors associated with arousal and aggression. These qualities are attributable to sexual attitudes and behaviors required for libido satisfaction. Serotonin also blocks depression and induce happiness. It discharges during exposure to sunlight, when eating foods plentiful in carbohydrates, and during exercise.
- The famous 'love hormone' oxytocin, evokes social attraction, bonding, and orgasms. Concentration of oxytocin decreases during negative situations such as personal offence, rudeness, slurs, upset, and negative thinking. To help maintain healthy levels, eating foods rich in proteins, oils that contain HDL (high-density lipoprotein), meaning beneficial cholesterol found in avocados and bananas enables richer lovemaking and social attitudes. Research studies also suggest that discharge of oxytocin with positive social exchanges help recuperation from illnesses.
- Then endorphins trigger good feelings and lessen pain and anxiety. Additionally, these neurotransmitters help manage stress and mood. This includes feelings of euphoria that often produced from extended physical exercise. Thus, this takes into account that endorphins generates during sexual episodes assisted by bodily rhythmic movements.
Understanding human development considers male and female romantic companionship, believed by scientists to be a human need. One of the scientific disciplines that vociferate this matter is positive psychology that advocates reduced stress, positive human relations, mental and physical conditions that support well-being. Under relaxed conditions, free from negative stress, pleasure producing hormones and neurotransmitters operate at their optimum level.
Companions can have complimentary effect on each other, helping manage each other's temperament. Love is one of those qualities that usually have a calming effect when practiced with kindness, tenderness, and consideration. Companions, who sincerely strive to please each other, often have pleasure doing so. This too, is a state of mind created by the interaction of the hormones. Romantic states of mind may also help prolong life by preventing or reducing stress, negative effects of hormones.
Thus, scientific research encourages seniors to eat foods that increase survival rate that sustain libido fitness. Not only that, but regular exercise with a high-grade vitamin and mineral supplement following the physician's approval, sustain both body and mind as one of the nature's strongest.
From these observations, it becomes clear that diligent care of body, brain, and mind increases happiness. This is so because exercise stimulates the brain, body, and produce powerful hormones and neurotransmitters, which in turn produce feeling of happiness. This occurs when one falls in love.
For these reasons, evoking natural biochemistry, particularly in the brain is imperative for healthy functions of the entire body, which maintains homeostasis, that is to say physical and mental balance. Thus, it is not surprising that exercise stimulates brain activity in one measure, while reading and writing promote brain health in other measures. Good health also requires getting out, talking to others, participating in mentally challenging activities. Most of all, in the closest relationship, romance boosts life functions to higher level of emotional functionality that benefits psychological and physical wellness.
In the same order, sufficient sleep reduces stress and encourages physical and emotional wellness. That takes into account activities such as self-improvement programs and continued adult education. Such endeavors activate brainpower, which is also good for body wellness. Then bowel regularity is just as necessary as the other recommendations. To restate, maintaining good health and sexuality:
- Reduce Stress
- Exercise
- Get enough Sleep
- Meaningful Activity
- Continue self-Education
- Keep bowel regularity
Emotional competence is still another necessity, which allows understanding one's own makeup as well as his or her mate's temperament. This understanding supports intelligent management of natural emotional fitness and appropriate mental hygiene.
Happiness is the secret that prolongs life and romance is the secret to happiness EWF
These chemicals, earlier mentioned, make us feel good in addition to reducing pain and anxiety. They share in delivering the so-called runner's high, characterized by the feeling of euphoria during prolonged physical exertion. Likewise, rhythmic body movements during sexual activity generate endorphins that react like morphine, categorized as endogenous opioids. Endogenous opioid-containing neurons colonize in several brain regions, subserving the medial hypothalamus, diencephalon, pons, hippocampus, and midbrain, which intersect the pleasure center of the brain.
Happiness is a state of the mind that depends on the complex interchange of brain chemistry. Their availability depends on the food we consume and interaction with the environment. A sense of well-being results when their actions are in the normal range. Excess or deprivation of these biochemical reactants may result in mania or depression.
Moreover, happiness is a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Therefore, feelings of happiness result from neurotransmitters. When released, they transmit messages from one neuron to another, across synapses, that is, junctions between the nerve cells. Evidence demonstrates that some foods effect the brain's production of neurotransmitters. Complex carbohydrates contribute to increased levels of serotonin, and protein foods promote the production of dopamine and norepinephrine. Nevertheless, neurotransmitters easily oxidize, requiring adequate intake of antioxidants.
Happy Hormones: Dopamine
Dopamine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning that it prevents the transmission of impulse across receptors, yet it links to reward processes in the brain. However, in the case of use of cocaine, opium, heroin, alcohol, and nicotine, such substances increase the levels of dopamine affecting the reward system. Because dopamine causes sense of contentment and happiness, some individuals induce higher levels of dopamine. When secreted in the nigro-striatal tract, dopamine also regulates mood.
Happiness is the State of Well-Being
Serotonin, another neurotransmitter, controls several types of behaviors that encompass sleep, appetite, arousal, and aggression. These activities correlate with variations of personality traits and moods, such as depression. Serotonin prevents depression, increasing ability to be happy. Exposure to sunlight is helpful in releasing serotonin, also eating foods rich in carbohydrates and exercise help increase its levels as well. Major serotonergic cell body sites exist in the upper pons and the midbrain that connect to the basal ganglia, the limbic system, and the cerebral cortex. Comparably, synthesis of serotonin occurs in the axonal terminal developed from the precursor amino acid tryptophan. Subsequently, dietary variations in tryptophan affect serotonin levels, suggesting that a deficiency of tryptophan in diet causes irritability and hunger. Increasing foods that involve tryptophan, induce sleep, relieve anxiety, and increase the sense of well-being. The principal psychopathological condition associated with serotonin is depression. The leading hypothesis that explains mood disorders indicates that inadequate levels of serotonin cause depression, where mania links to the excess of serotonin.
Known as the love hormone, oxytocin generates in response to orgasms, social recognition, and bonding. Notably this the social hormone, indicated when levels decrease because of negative social encounters such as insults and negative thinking. Foods rich in proteins, oils with HDL and fruits such as avocados and bananas support balance levels of oxytocin. Thus, increased release following positive social interactions may have a positive impact in recovery from an illness.
These chemicals not only make us feel good, but reduce pain and anxiety. They are involved in the regulation of stress, pain, and mood. They are also responsible for runner's high, characterized by a feeling of euphoria, which occurs on prolonged physical exertion. Endorphins released during sexual activity through rhythmic body movements produce reactions similar to morphine, acting as if chemicals called endogenous opioids. Thus, endogenous opioid neurons populate in several brain regions, including the medial hypothalamus, diencephalon, pons, hippocampus, and midbrain.
Happiness is a state of the mind, and this depends on the complex interplay of chemicals in the brain. Their availability depends on the food we consume and the interactions with the external environment. A sense of well-being results when their actions are in the normal range. Too much or too less may be manifested as mania or depression respectively.
Now showing the relationship between wellness and romantic encounters, medical doctor Michael W. Smith explains that sex maintains proper function of the immune system. Further, Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD who is a sexual health expert says that individuals romantically involved miss fewer days on the job because of illness.
People who engage sex relations have stronger defense against harmful bacteria and viruses. Research confirms that engaging sex twice a week increases higher levels of antibody.
Enhancing the Libido
Motivation lively sex is a mammalian trait that improves the libido, explained by Lauren Streicher MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University, located in Chicago. Additionally, the doctor says that sex improves women's bladder control, pointing out that a strong pelvic base is significant to preventing incontinence, where good sex is comparable to a workout the strengthens pelvic muscles; thus avoiding incontinence. Still more, Dr. Joseph J. Pinzone indicates that sexual engagement lowers the systolic blood pressure.
Accordingly, research establishes that romantic intercourse endorses wellness of both mind and body. As social creatures, humans need one another, especially male and female unions. This significant to seniors, because when romance breakdown, so does the mind and body.
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