Friday, May 1, 2015

How to Get CPR Certified

For you to be a certified CPR you need to take a CPR course. All you need to do is to find a course either online or offline and sign up for it. After signing up you have to participate in all the activities and pass all the courses before you are certified.
Some of the organizations that offer certifications are: American heart association (AHA) American Red Cross (ARC) and the American safety and health institute (ASHI).
The different organizations have different ways for certifying you. For example, AHA requires that you first get a first aid certification before you are CPR certified. ASHI will certify you depending on your prior experience and other qualifications such as EMT.
Cost of The Course
The cost of the course depends on where you take it. For example, you can find the course for as little as $50. You can also get the same course for as much as $600,000. The ARC usually waivers the fees if you join the organization as a volunteer. To avoid paying the fees you need to complete 70 hours of service in your first certification year.
How long is a CPR class?
The duration of a CPR class depends on the course that you are taking. If you are taking a short course, it will take you only 3-5 hours; however, if you are taking an advanced course it will take you months and sometimes even a semester to complete. Traditionally, a standard CPR class takes only 1 day to complete; however, you need to practice for you to be good at it.
Becoming an Instructor
After you are certified you can teach CPR and first aid courses. You can volunteer with ARC and teach in a number of classes. You can also apply as a paid instructor with ARC. If you want to start a teaching business you need to sign additional contracts with ARC.
Certificate Renewal
The CPR certificate lasts for two years after which you should renew it. It's recommended that you take re-certification courses in order to update yourself on new things that might have come up. ASHI requires you to pay $25 for your certificate to be renewed while ARC renews your certificate automatically as long as you teach one class during your certification period.
This is what it takes for you to be CPR certified. To have an easy ride it's highly recommended that you attend a recognized institution.
We believe that saving lives is the most important thing in the world that's why we created a website that gives you professional CPR steps to follow to save a life. We also have expert tips on how to get CPR certified
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