Friday, May 1, 2015

Ginger Root Extract - Why to Consume It

Ginger is a flowering plant in the family Zingiberaceae; it produces clusters of white and pink flower buds that bloom into yellow flowers. Flesh of ginger rhizome can be yellow, white or red in color. Ginger rhizome is covered with a brownish skin that may either be thick or thin. The ginger root is widely used as a spice or a medicine for centuries. Aromatic, pungent and spicy, ginger adds a special flavor and zest to Asian stir fries and many fruit and vegetable dishes. Nowadays, ginger root extract is sold in health - food stores or online services.
Ginger has been used in China and India for more than 5,000 years to treat many types of ailments, below are some examples:
Common cold
The common cold is a viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract which primarily affects the nose. It is caused by a number of different types of viruses. The symptoms of common cold include cough, sore throat, sneezing and runny nose and these symptoms usually begin 2 or 3 days after infection and last 2 to 14 days. The common cold is a self-limited condition and can generally be managed at home. If you have a trouble with common cold, try home remedies, for example: a cup of ginger tea. The ginger root can acts as an antihistamine and decongestant, two cold-easing effects that can help with symptoms. In addition, washing your hands and staying away from people with colds will help you avoid colds.
Diarrhea is the condition of having at least three loose or liquid bowel movements each day; it can be defined absolutely diarrhea and relative diarrhea. The causes of diarrhea may include allergies to certain foods, disease of the intestines, laxative abuse, digestive tract surgery, competitive running, and some cancers. In addition, diarrheal infection can be spread through dirt hand, contaminated food or water, some pets, and direct contact with fecal matter, etc. Diarrhea can make you feel weak and dehydrated which can lead to serious illness. Fortunately, diarrhea can be cured by natural medicine - ginger root.
Arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation of the joints and can affect anyone from young children to seniors. Arthritis is the leading chronic health condition and a major cause of disability in the United States, and it afflicts almost 40 million Americans. Arthritis can be grouped into several types, including: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout (gouty arthritis), psoriatic arthritis and traumatic arthritis. The symptoms of arthritis include pain, stiffness, swelling in the joints. You might have arthritis if you feel pain and stiffness in your body or have trouble moving around. For arthritis patients, ginger root is a very good home remedy without side effects. Studies show that patients with painful arthritis in the knee who are given vs. a placebo experienced significantly less pain and loss of movement compared to those taking the placebo. On the other hand, physical therapy for arthritis include heat or ice, massage, water therapy, and splints or orthotics to support joints and help improve their position.
How to Take
Grate some ginger root and put it in your juicer, along with carrots and apples and a little lemon juice.
Combine ginger, soy sauce, olive oil and garlic to make a wonderful salad dressing.
To enjoy a fresh ginger tea - simmer a 1-inch piece of fresh ginger in 2 cups of water for 10 to 20 minutes. Strain and stir in fresh lemon juice and sweetener if desired.
In short, there are three ways to consume ginger: ginger tea, fresh ginger and ginger extract in your daily life.
Find more information about herbal medicine at:
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8 Things You Must Know About Cholesterol

Our lifestyle has changed completely, hasn't it? We all live in an era where we actually have no time to look after our health. The only thing that we run after at the moment is money. We get up early in the morning, rush to work, eat junk, work like crazy, skip our physical exercises, grab some more junk while returning home, and sleep, without paying any attention to what our body needs. Weekends are the worst. We get drunk and eat some more junk with our family members.
If you too follow the same lifestyle, get your cholesterol levels checked. Cholesterol is not a major thing, but if not paid attention and brought down at the right time, it may turn into something serious. I am here to tell you the following eight things about this compound:
  1. Many people believe that only the obese population has this problem. But it has got nothing to do with your weight. It depends on your eating habits and the way you burn what you eat by getting indulged in different physical activities.
  2. There are two different types of cholesterol - one that is good and the other that is bad. People must have the good one in order to stay healthy and fit.
  3. There are many natural remedies for high cholesterol, which can be read on the internet. If you don't wish to consume any medicines, you can control the levels by following some home remedies.
  4. Almost 75% of population in the world has increased levels of this compound.
  5. Higher the levels of this problem, higher the chances of heart risks for the person. Thus, it is essential for an individual to control this problem as soon as he finds out about the same.
  6. Some of the individuals with this issue are not able to get rid of it no matter how hard they try. They perform all sorts of exercises, eat the right stuff, and yet find it difficult to fight the problem.
  7. This is something that may surprise you, but you can find out if a person has this issue by looking at his eyes. If an individual has severe cadmium yellow and pinkish lines in the corners of his eyes, he surely has higher levels of this compound.
  8. Just like increased levels are risky, so are the decreased levels. You must know how to balance between the good and the bad ones so that your body is healthy enough to survive.
Click on the link to find out more about herbal remedies for high cholesterol.
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Anti Inflammatory Fruits of the Top Six

Joint pain is difficult to live with and can severely affect your daily life. Arthritis and any other form of joint pain can actually make even the simplest movement difficult in your normal days activities. You may actually feel like taking a pain pill to ease the pain quickly. These anti inflammatory medicines have adverse side effects and prolonged use of these pills can actually cause permanent damage to some of your body organs and also the immune system. Instead of opting to use over the counter medication, there is a better and safer method like including natural anti inflammatory food in your daily diet which have positive effects to your health.
Although a long list of natural fruits or vegetables becomes overwhelming to some, but there are other options available. Products with balance, variety, moderation, a health minded combination of all the natural fruits including the Acai berry, as well omega-3 for its most anti inflammatory effect are available in a liquid supplement. Taking this two times per day makes it an easy way for your body to receive all the fruits and benefits.
However, below are some of the six important anti inflammatory natural fruits that can help ease arthritis joint pain and inflammation and more.
1. Pineapple!
Besides having a great taste, pineapple is actually a very popular natural anti inflammatory fruit. The fruit has an enzyme called bromelain which not only helps in reducing inflammation but also helps in reducing the pain and helps the healing process. In fact many arthritis medicines use pineapple extract to treat the condition. If you are suffering from joint pain, eat fresh pineapples and you will definitely feel the difference. Avoid canned pineapples because they contain some added sugar and preservatives which can have the opposite effect and are not good for your health.
2. Berries!
All types of berries including strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are actually great anti inflammatory fruits. They not only contain antioxidants but also all the important phytochemicals which sooth the joints and also remove toxins that are harmful for the body. You can eat them whole or in form of Smoothies to ease the joint pain. These berries are also rich in vitamin C which helps arthritis and cartilage pain.
3. Papaya!
This is not only a delicious fruit but also a great agent that can help to ease pain and inflammation. It has an enzyme called papain and other minerals and vitamins that help to relieve soreness and aches. Papaya also helps to promote healthy hair, it is good for your skin and also aids in digestion. They are natural anti inflammatory fruits that are highly recommended by nutritionists because of other health benefits.
4. Bananas!
Bananas are actually a good source of many vitamins and minerals which help strengthen joints and fight arthritis. There are many other powerful reasons to eat bananas. Here are some nutritional facts of bananas: Vitamin-B6-5mg, Manganese-3mg, Vitamin-C-9mg, Potassium-450mg, Dietary fiber-3g, Protein-1g, Magnesium-34mg, Folate-25.0 mcg. For these many health reasons and benefits bananas are an important fruit to add to your daily diet.
5. Cherry!
Research has shown that cherry juice can actually help to decrease joint pain and it is according to Eve Campanelli, Ph. D. She came to find that most of her patient's experienced joint pain relief after drinking a glass of cherry juice twice a day.
6. Apples!
Apple juice and applesauce all have anti inflammatory properties which can help to prevent and cure arthritis and other forms of joint pain.
In conclusion, natural anti inflammatory fruits are very important because they not only make you healthy but also help to prevent and cure joint pain and arthritis which has actually become a common problem to many people. There is also a point to remember, remedies like these work slower than drug medicine but have no side effects and will give you continued health.
Here is a little treat for you at the end of the day. Have and enjoy a glass of red wine with your dinner; make sure it is dry, such as Cabernet, Merlot, or Shiraz etc. One to two glasses of red dry wine per day will give you the generic benefits of the antioxidants and resveratrol in red wine. The ingredients of red wine not only lower your LDL cholesterol but as well lower your blood pressure. It also reduces inflammation in your body. But remember, two glasses is enough; that amount even keeps your digestive system healthy as well.
My name is Josef Bichler I have a passion for wellness and showing others how to live healthy lives. I have corrected my own health problems with the use of alternatives only. I have helped countless others achieve their health objectives through lifestyle changes, the meaning of right supplementation and understanding the benefits of eating healthy. For more ongoing health information subscribe to my free weekly newsletters, this also gives you the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you may have, as well download my free e-book report to help making better food choices:
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How to Get CPR Certified

For you to be a certified CPR you need to take a CPR course. All you need to do is to find a course either online or offline and sign up for it. After signing up you have to participate in all the activities and pass all the courses before you are certified.
Some of the organizations that offer certifications are: American heart association (AHA) American Red Cross (ARC) and the American safety and health institute (ASHI).
The different organizations have different ways for certifying you. For example, AHA requires that you first get a first aid certification before you are CPR certified. ASHI will certify you depending on your prior experience and other qualifications such as EMT.
Cost of The Course
The cost of the course depends on where you take it. For example, you can find the course for as little as $50. You can also get the same course for as much as $600,000. The ARC usually waivers the fees if you join the organization as a volunteer. To avoid paying the fees you need to complete 70 hours of service in your first certification year.
How long is a CPR class?
The duration of a CPR class depends on the course that you are taking. If you are taking a short course, it will take you only 3-5 hours; however, if you are taking an advanced course it will take you months and sometimes even a semester to complete. Traditionally, a standard CPR class takes only 1 day to complete; however, you need to practice for you to be good at it.
Becoming an Instructor
After you are certified you can teach CPR and first aid courses. You can volunteer with ARC and teach in a number of classes. You can also apply as a paid instructor with ARC. If you want to start a teaching business you need to sign additional contracts with ARC.
Certificate Renewal
The CPR certificate lasts for two years after which you should renew it. It's recommended that you take re-certification courses in order to update yourself on new things that might have come up. ASHI requires you to pay $25 for your certificate to be renewed while ARC renews your certificate automatically as long as you teach one class during your certification period.
This is what it takes for you to be CPR certified. To have an easy ride it's highly recommended that you attend a recognized institution.
We believe that saving lives is the most important thing in the world that's why we created a website that gives you professional CPR steps to follow to save a life. We also have expert tips on how to get CPR certified
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CPR Steps To Follow To Save A Life

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR as it's popularly known is a skill that anyone should learn. The sole aim of the skill is to enable another person to get oxygen as soon as possible. If someone has become unconscious it's important that you do these CPR steps:
Before you do anything you should call 911 and ask for emergency medical technicians. The cool thing with these technicians is that they come with automated defibrillators that restart the heart with a jolt of electricity.
You should then confirm if the victim has a pulse. You can do this by placing two fingers on the side of the neck just beneath the jaw. You also need to determine if the victim is breathing. You can do this by placing your cheek above the victim's mouth. If the victim is breathing you should feel a breath on your skin.
After confirming that the victim doesn't have pulse and isn't breathing you should begin CPR.
Chest Compression
If you have given breath to the victim and he/she doesn't breath, you should begin CPR in order to start blood circulation in the body.
You should place one hand directly above the sternum and then place the other hand firmly on top of the first hand. When you feel the solid, bony sternum you should keep your arm straight and then push down on the sternum and compress 15 times in 10 seconds. After 15 compressions you should give two more slow breaths.
Rescue Breathing
Oxygen is needed in giving life to the brain and body tissues. You should position the victim on his/her back and then pinch the nose using your fingers. You should then place your mouth firmly over the victim's and give a normal-size breath. You should wait for one second and then give another breath. When giving breathes you should ensure that the chest is rising.
For ideal results you should maintain a seal between your mouths. It's recommended that you use a rescue mask over the victim's mouth to prevent saliva exposure and contamination.
You should repeat this cycle until the victim regains a pulse or until professional help arrives.
These are the CPR steps that you should follow to save a person. If you don't have the skills you don't have to worry as there are many courses online that can teach you all you need to know and get a certificate.
We believe that saving lives is the most important thing in the world that's why we created a website that gives you professional CPR steps to follow to save a life. We also have expert tips on how to get CPR certified
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Significance of Pharmacokinetic

Pharmacokinetic is telling a variety of ways (such as intravenous injection, intravenous injection, oral administration, etc.) in which drugs go through into the body for the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, which is A.D.M.E. The development and application of pharmacokinetic in recent years have proved it a special and important position in the field of pharmacy it occupied. First of all, pharmacokinetic, as a means to deal with the mathematical analysis of scientific medicine dynamic processes in the body, has the significant theory value. It is an important part of "mathematics pharmacy". Its basic analysis method has been infiltrated into the biological pharmacy, clinical pharmacy, drug therapy, clinical pharmacology, molecular pharmacology, biochemistry analytical chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology, pharmacy and many other areas of science, becoming the most and main foundation of those subjects, promoting their vigorous development. At the same time, pharmacokinetic has a very wide range of practical significance.
Its development will be existing in drug evaluation, improvement of pharmaceutical dosage form, new drugs' active design, providing efficient, quick, effective, low toxic and side effects drugs, as well as the guidance of clinical rational drug use. Through the study of the pharmacokinetic, it plays important role in the effective blood drug concentration of clinical treatment, the optimal dose, dosing cycle, calculation of loading dose, and whether continuous medication would occur accumulation in vivo. In a word, pharmacokinetics has become a useful new tool, widely used in the pharmaceutical field and various disciplines. A technical report of the United Nations WHO has stressed that: "For the evaluation of drug efficacy and toxicity, pharmacokinetic, not only in the preclinical pharmacological study stage, but also all stages of drug discoveries shows important value."
Significance in new drug development process: In the development of a new drug, often we hope to achieve the desired requirements through chemical structure transformation, but it make the medicine itself also changes. Therefore, in the design of new compounds, pharmacokinetic can play a guiding role to analyze the impact that drugs structure to parameters and discover what genes can alter drugs absorption. And with the rules we find out, we can design new compounds.
Significance in the study of Chinese herbal medicine: In recent years, Chinese herbal medicine research has achieved great development, such as Silybum marianum seed extraction based on pharmacokinetic.
Significance in pharmacological research: As we know, pharmacology is to study medicine and life body interaction. It find out the effects drugs to the body on one hand, and also study the influence the body to drugs on the other hand. So it is often divided pharmacology into pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
Significance in clinical drugs use: Pharmacokinetic and clinical pharmacy combine, producing (clinical pharmacokinctic), in order to realize clinical individualized drug giving, including the dosage, dosing interval, route of administration, dosage form to the choice of the content.
Significance in pharmaceutics, biopharmaceutics fields etc: In 1968 Australian produced phenytoin sodium tablets which take good effects all the time. Later, some people used lactose replacing CaSO4 in prescription and poisoning incident happened.
In summary, pharmacokinetic has become a new useful tool in a wide range of applications. Ways to find the new drugs are gradually transfer from experience to a more reasonable form, in order to produce new drugs, good drugs, and conquer all kinds of disease, illness, and finally create a new situation of medical and healthy undertaking.
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SENIORS: Mind and Body Cease Functioning, When Romance Ceases

For many individuals, happiness closely connects to companionship. Scientific research demonstrates that humans are social creatures who need other humans, often the opposite sex. Such attractions allow individuals to engage in meaningful relationships that create hues of happiness. Interestingly, the brain is the first organ that detects such needs, culminating into human desire, sometimes even into stronger human cravings. This becomes apparent, through the functions of internal systems that create emotional, physiological, and psychological responsiveness to collaborative body and mind awareness. Evidence of this recognition occurs in male erection or female secretions excited by erotic thoughts, touch, smell, taste, hearing, or seeing. The emotional pathway evoked by neurotransmitters and hormones trigger desire for erotic pleasure, which often seeks ways to obtain such gratification, motivating behaviors that seem to be mysteriously automatic.
Abraham Harold Maslow (1908 - 1970) an American psychologist who studied human needs, attempted to explain some of the physical demands of human survival, which not only include air, water, and food, but also sustaining ample instinctual sexual intensity, having ability to participate in "sexual competition". Another research study concluded that libido or sexual drive is an inherently necessity for human survival and mental stability. Likewise, when ability to express erotic libido discontinues, some psychologists believe that mental or emotional dysfunctions may follow. The brain, the most central human organ, responds to such physical sensations by producing happy hormones that extend pleasure of living.
This happens, principally because of powerful hormones and neurotransmitters that act upon specialized areas of the brain. The most important happy hormones are those shown below:
- Dopamine intensely links with reward activity in deep brain causing feeling of contentment and happiness.
- Serotonin, another neurotransmitter that helps regulate human behaviors associated with arousal and aggression. These qualities are attributable to sexual attitudes and behaviors required for libido satisfaction. Serotonin also blocks depression and induce happiness. It discharges during exposure to sunlight, when eating foods plentiful in carbohydrates, and during exercise.
- The famous 'love hormone' oxytocin, evokes social attraction, bonding, and orgasms. Concentration of oxytocin decreases during negative situations such as personal offence, rudeness, slurs, upset, and negative thinking. To help maintain healthy levels, eating foods rich in proteins, oils that contain HDL (high-density lipoprotein), meaning beneficial cholesterol found in avocados and bananas enables richer lovemaking and social attitudes. Research studies also suggest that discharge of oxytocin with positive social exchanges help recuperation from illnesses.
- Then endorphins trigger good feelings and lessen pain and anxiety. Additionally, these neurotransmitters help manage stress and mood. This includes feelings of euphoria that often produced from extended physical exercise. Thus, this takes into account that endorphins generates during sexual episodes assisted by bodily rhythmic movements.
Understanding human development considers male and female romantic companionship, believed by scientists to be a human need. One of the scientific disciplines that vociferate this matter is positive psychology that advocates reduced stress, positive human relations, mental and physical conditions that support well-being. Under relaxed conditions, free from negative stress, pleasure producing hormones and neurotransmitters operate at their optimum level.
Companions can have complimentary effect on each other, helping manage each other's temperament. Love is one of those qualities that usually have a calming effect when practiced with kindness, tenderness, and consideration. Companions, who sincerely strive to please each other, often have pleasure doing so. This too, is a state of mind created by the interaction of the hormones. Romantic states of mind may also help prolong life by preventing or reducing stress, negative effects of hormones.
Thus, scientific research encourages seniors to eat foods that increase survival rate that sustain libido fitness. Not only that, but regular exercise with a high-grade vitamin and mineral supplement following the physician's approval, sustain both body and mind as one of the nature's strongest.
From these observations, it becomes clear that diligent care of body, brain, and mind increases happiness. This is so because exercise stimulates the brain, body, and produce powerful hormones and neurotransmitters, which in turn produce feeling of happiness. This occurs when one falls in love.
For these reasons, evoking natural biochemistry, particularly in the brain is imperative for healthy functions of the entire body, which maintains homeostasis, that is to say physical and mental balance. Thus, it is not surprising that exercise stimulates brain activity in one measure, while reading and writing promote brain health in other measures. Good health also requires getting out, talking to others, participating in mentally challenging activities. Most of all, in the closest relationship, romance boosts life functions to higher level of emotional functionality that benefits psychological and physical wellness.
In the same order, sufficient sleep reduces stress and encourages physical and emotional wellness. That takes into account activities such as self-improvement programs and continued adult education. Such endeavors activate brainpower, which is also good for body wellness. Then bowel regularity is just as necessary as the other recommendations. To restate, maintaining good health and sexuality:
- Reduce Stress
- Exercise
- Get enough Sleep
- Meaningful Activity
- Continue self-Education
- Keep bowel regularity
Emotional competence is still another necessity, which allows understanding one's own makeup as well as his or her mate's temperament. This understanding supports intelligent management of natural emotional fitness and appropriate mental hygiene.
Happiness is the secret that prolongs life and romance is the secret to happiness EWF
These chemicals, earlier mentioned, make us feel good in addition to reducing pain and anxiety. They share in delivering the so-called runner's high, characterized by the feeling of euphoria during prolonged physical exertion. Likewise, rhythmic body movements during sexual activity generate endorphins that react like morphine, categorized as endogenous opioids. Endogenous opioid-containing neurons colonize in several brain regions, subserving the medial hypothalamus, diencephalon, pons, hippocampus, and midbrain, which intersect the pleasure center of the brain.
Happiness is a state of the mind that depends on the complex interchange of brain chemistry. Their availability depends on the food we consume and interaction with the environment. A sense of well-being results when their actions are in the normal range. Excess or deprivation of these biochemical reactants may result in mania or depression.
Moreover, happiness is a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Therefore, feelings of happiness result from neurotransmitters. When released, they transmit messages from one neuron to another, across synapses, that is, junctions between the nerve cells. Evidence demonstrates that some foods effect the brain's production of neurotransmitters. Complex carbohydrates contribute to increased levels of serotonin, and protein foods promote the production of dopamine and norepinephrine. Nevertheless, neurotransmitters easily oxidize, requiring adequate intake of antioxidants.
Happy Hormones: Dopamine
Dopamine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, meaning that it prevents the transmission of impulse across receptors, yet it links to reward processes in the brain. However, in the case of use of cocaine, opium, heroin, alcohol, and nicotine, such substances increase the levels of dopamine affecting the reward system. Because dopamine causes sense of contentment and happiness, some individuals induce higher levels of dopamine. When secreted in the nigro-striatal tract, dopamine also regulates mood.
Happiness is the State of Well-Being
Serotonin, another neurotransmitter, controls several types of behaviors that encompass sleep, appetite, arousal, and aggression. These activities correlate with variations of personality traits and moods, such as depression. Serotonin prevents depression, increasing ability to be happy. Exposure to sunlight is helpful in releasing serotonin, also eating foods rich in carbohydrates and exercise help increase its levels as well. Major serotonergic cell body sites exist in the upper pons and the midbrain that connect to the basal ganglia, the limbic system, and the cerebral cortex. Comparably, synthesis of serotonin occurs in the axonal terminal developed from the precursor amino acid tryptophan. Subsequently, dietary variations in tryptophan affect serotonin levels, suggesting that a deficiency of tryptophan in diet causes irritability and hunger. Increasing foods that involve tryptophan, induce sleep, relieve anxiety, and increase the sense of well-being. The principal psychopathological condition associated with serotonin is depression. The leading hypothesis that explains mood disorders indicates that inadequate levels of serotonin cause depression, where mania links to the excess of serotonin.
Known as the love hormone, oxytocin generates in response to orgasms, social recognition, and bonding. Notably this the social hormone, indicated when levels decrease because of negative social encounters such as insults and negative thinking. Foods rich in proteins, oils with HDL and fruits such as avocados and bananas support balance levels of oxytocin. Thus, increased release following positive social interactions may have a positive impact in recovery from an illness.
These chemicals not only make us feel good, but reduce pain and anxiety. They are involved in the regulation of stress, pain, and mood. They are also responsible for runner's high, characterized by a feeling of euphoria, which occurs on prolonged physical exertion. Endorphins released during sexual activity through rhythmic body movements produce reactions similar to morphine, acting as if chemicals called endogenous opioids. Thus, endogenous opioid neurons populate in several brain regions, including the medial hypothalamus, diencephalon, pons, hippocampus, and midbrain.
Happiness is a state of the mind, and this depends on the complex interplay of chemicals in the brain. Their availability depends on the food we consume and the interactions with the external environment. A sense of well-being results when their actions are in the normal range. Too much or too less may be manifested as mania or depression respectively.
Now showing the relationship between wellness and romantic encounters, medical doctor Michael W. Smith explains that sex maintains proper function of the immune system. Further, Yvonne K. Fulbright, PhD who is a sexual health expert says that individuals romantically involved miss fewer days on the job because of illness.
People who engage sex relations have stronger defense against harmful bacteria and viruses. Research confirms that engaging sex twice a week increases higher levels of antibody.
Enhancing the Libido
Motivation lively sex is a mammalian trait that improves the libido, explained by Lauren Streicher MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Northwestern University, located in Chicago. Additionally, the doctor says that sex improves women's bladder control, pointing out that a strong pelvic base is significant to preventing incontinence, where good sex is comparable to a workout the strengthens pelvic muscles; thus avoiding incontinence. Still more, Dr. Joseph J. Pinzone indicates that sexual engagement lowers the systolic blood pressure.
Accordingly, research establishes that romantic intercourse endorses wellness of both mind and body. As social creatures, humans need one another, especially male and female unions. This significant to seniors, because when romance breakdown, so does the mind and body.
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